There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home . . .

Vikki and the GangLife's A Beach is the kinda place that I always look for when I go on vacation.  Good Fun, Great Food, Cheap Drinks, something always different happening and the kinda place where you need to expect the unexpected.

I remember the night the guy got up and danced on the bar in his Budweiser underwear; the day the drummer from Red Hot Chili Peppers came in and watched the Super Bowl; the foursome from Russia that drank 50, $1.00 Mai Tai's and weren't even close close to being drunk.  Then there was the lady that dumped the shopping cart full of mangos all over the dance floor; and the gal that shot pool in the really, really, short skirt... not to mention the frog vs. the lizard races; the several times the "Bud Guys" came in dressed up as the "Bud Light Girls" and the day it actually rained in Kihei and Life's A Beach was moving slowly inside, of course that's just to name a few.


VikkiThanks to all of you that come in for the daily news, stop by for an occasional quick one, pop in cuz the food not only fits your budget, but now, it's good too!  "Whew", remember the food when we first started?

Just as I knew it when the plane landed and I set my first foot on this rock, Maui Rules and so do the People who live and visit here.

I am so happy everyone wants Life's A Beach to be part of the "Maui Life", as much as I do.  See You Next Month!

P.S. I know you're asking who the people on the front are?  They're the gang that talked me into buying this place four years ago, so that they would have a regular watering hole.  Keep an eye out for them, they stop by all the time. Also check back often to see what's happening at Life's A Beach.
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